There are total of 3 matches for Shafter CA locations for ' Shafter CA '.
Bank Of America, National Association
261 Central Avenue
Shafter, CA 93263
Mission Bank
1110 E. Lerdo Highway
Shafter, CA 93263
Westamerica Bank
600 James Street
Shafter, CA 93263
Do all checks have a routing number?
Can I use someone else's routing number to make a payment?
Can I use a routing number to identify a bank's location?
Are there any official government sources for routing number verification?
What information should I cross-reference when verifying a routing number?
Frequently asked questions (FAQs) related to bank routing numbers and bank routing information:
frequently asked questions (FAQs) about Bank ABA routing numbers and their purposes:
Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about international bank routing codes
I think wire transfer and ACH use the same routing number, but you can call their customer service at (800) 400-2781 to confirm.
Read MoreIs there a limit for wire transfer if I use the Business Cash Management Services from Big Sky Banking System?
Read MoreFor any domestic or international wires, use the Business Online Banking system at Flagstar, visit their branches or call 888-324-4100
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